Soak up colorful California sunsets when you stay in our Accessible One Queen Bed guestroom. The guestroom is equipped with plenty of amenities to make your stay satisfactory, including a flat-screen TV with cable channels, free WiFi, and a refrigerator. After a long day, relax with a hot shower in a private bathroom. The toiletries and towels are complimentary. This guestroom has several accessibility features, including 100% wheelchair access, closed-captioning television, a tub, and bathroom handrails. Smoking is not permitted.
Nothing comes close to the golden coast, which is why you should stay with us in our 208 sq. ft One Queen Bed guestroom. Click on a flat-screen TV with cable channels or surf the web with our high-speed WiFi. A refrigerator are provided for your convenience. After a fun-filled day, wash up in a private bathroom stocked with complimentary toiletries and fresh towels. Smoking is not permitted.
Live off of acai bowls, iced coffee, and sunshine when you stay in our 208 sq. ft One King Bed guestroom. You are sure to have a restful night on a premium mattress with plush pillows and fresh linens. Walk into a private bathroom to discover complimentary toiletries and fluffy towels. Store food items with an in-room refrigerator. Stay entertained for days with a flat-screen TV with cable channels and high-speed WiFi. Smoking is not permitted.
You are sure to leave your heart in Los Angeles after staying in our 208 sq. ft Two Queen Beds guestroom, equipped with two queen-sized beds large enough to accommodate up to four people. Do you need some downtime? Watch your favorite show on a cable flat-screen TV or stay connected with our high-speed WiFi. For your convenience, we provide an in-room refrigerator. Enjoy the luxury of a private bathroom with fresh towels and complimentary toiletries. Smoking is not permitted.
Live a life of true royalty when you stay in our King Suite. Cozy into a king-sized bed with plush pillows and fresh linens. You are welcome to store food and drink items with our in-room refrigerator. Watch the game on a flat-screen cable TV or post your favorite Hollywood pictures online with our high-speed WiFi in a separate seating area. If you need to wash up, you can do so in a private bathroom. It’s stocked with fluffy towels and complimentary toiletries. Smoking is not permitted.